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Our Trust of Schools


Year 6: Transition at West Exe School

When our students join us in year 7, they immediately become part of our vibrant West Exe community, and that is the beginning of a five-year adventure. All students at West Exe have the opportunity to learn a new language, to experience an overseas residential, to take part in our exceptional Electives Programme and to become one of our student leaders, whether that be through our well-established student parliament, or through a range of ambassadorial roles.

Students at West Exe know that to be truly successful not just in school, but in life, they need to be curious, adaptable, ambitious, resilient and proud, but most of all, they need to be kind.  Every day, we encourage students to be their very #BestExe! 

We have a comprehensive transition process that ensures that the move between primary and secondary school is a supported, personalised and a smooth process that recognises the needs of each individual child.

Our pledge to you for transition at West Exe School:

• We will do everything we can to ensure that every Ted Wragg Multi Academy Trust (TWMAT) child has the best possible transition between Primary and Secondary schools. We will stay in contact with all Primary schools and provide contact details so communication can be effective.

We will provide every child with exciting opportunities including:

• Every child will receive a Copy of ‘Wonder’ to read by the time they start secondary school. An audio file is also available to support them with this.

• A chance to complete a writing task. Writing to their new tutor introducing themselves, what their hobbies are, what they are looking forward to about starting at their secondary school and what they are worried about.

• A Knowledge Organiser ‘Getting to know your school’ and instructions on how to use cover, write check to check what your child has learnt about their Secondary school.

Towards the end of the summer term, we will hold New Intake Parents’ Welcome Evening. During this evening, parents and students are able to find out key information and meet their child's tutor for the first time. This is followed by a two day transition for Year 6 students to meet their tutor and other students from our feeder schools. They will follow a timetable for the two days to get a taste of what being a student at West Exe School will be like, including completing Extended Practice homework to help all students feel confident and have a successful start.

Please remember to put the following dates in your diary:

Tuesday 1, Wednesday 2 and Thursday 3 July 2024: 4.30 – 6.30pm

Welcome Evening for all Year 6 Parents

Wednesday, 10, Thursday, 11 and Friday, 12 July 2024 (all day)

Transition Days for Year 6 students

In the meantime, if you have any further questions at this stage, please do not hesitate to contact our Transition team by telephone on 01392 660100 or by email to [email protected].

Please see below useful links:

Our Welcome Evening is an opportunity for you and your child to visit our school and witness subject showcases, speak with member of staff and students.  You do not need to book onto this event.

Our Welcome Mornings are an opportunity for you and your child to see our school in operation with students in lessons and lesson changeovers.  Please scan the QR code below to sign up for one of our welcome mornings.  Although dates listed are allocated to specific primary schools, please feel free to book onto an alternative slot should this be more convenient to you.

Please ensure any child attending these events is accompanied with an adult.